The Derby and Derbyshire Serious Violence strategy commits to working with partners and communities to address serious violence.
Our strategy aims to improve lives by preventing violence, supporting victims, families and communities affected, and providing positive opportunities to those at risk of becoming victims, witnesses, or perpetrators, including education programmes, targeted mentoring, opportunities to develop new skills and therapeutic support.
Serious violence has no single cause or solution, therefore different partners from across the system must work collaboratively with a shared mission, principles and priorities.
We will involve communities in shaping our understanding of, and response to serious violence, thus ensuring we are working with communities not ‘doing to’ communities. We recognise that this adds to the legitimacy of, and trust in, what we are trying to achieve as well as adding to our capacity to prevent serious violence.
We will share data and intelligence and develop a robust and comprehensive data set, drawing on data held across agencies and organisations to inform ongoing analysis of the risk profile of Derby and Derbyshire.
We must create opportunities for children, young people and adults to pursue alternatives to criminality. We will support positive aspirations and promote alternative pathways and positive role models. We will seek to build on existing community assets that can be used to deliver alternatives to criminality.
We will take a community consensus approach, which lies at the heart of a place-based, multiagency approach to serious violence prevention. The approach must be with and for local communities, it should empower them to actively participate in tackling issues that affect them collectively.