In both Derby City and Derbyshire County we are committed to taking a public health approach to reduce the problem of serious violence by working together across agencies. The public health approach seeks to reduce risk factors for a person becoming a victim or perpetrator of violence, and also violence at a population level. This approach is led by local evidence, utilising data from numerous sources. Using key information on the types of serious violence, where and when it happens, who the perpetrators and victims are and why it happens, it ensures an informed response to intervention and prevention at all levels.

The VRU believes
That violence is preventable and together we can reduce it with our public health approach.
Violence is of major public health importance and affects many people’s lives. People may be affected through injury, as well as harmful effects on neurological, cardiovascular, immune and other biological systems and also, sadly, death.
The VRU takes a whole system approach to violence prevention and includes childhood adversity and trauma, youth violence, as well as community violence including violence in institutional settings such as schools.
Through our Strategic Needs Assessment for Violence, we have been able to understand the local prevalence of violence across Greater Manchester and provide an overview of our risk and protective factors, whilst also showing the complexity of violence across the life-course. We have brought local data and evidence together into one document and have taken a whole-system, life-course approach, which is led by our communities.