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Safe to Play Campaign launches to keep our communities safer in sport and physical activity

A campaign is being launched across Derby and Derbyshire this Autumn to keep children safe while playing sport or accessing a physical activity provision. NWG Network’s Safe to Play campaign, developed in partnership with Sport England, and backed by a collaboration of organisations in the city and county encourages parents, coaches, volunteers and children to know the signs that something isn’t right and have the confidence to report it.

The Safe to Play marketplace will take place on 26 November 2024 at Moorways Sports Village from 6.30pm to 8.30pm to kick off the campaign.  Local organisations will be on hand to provide support and assistance to clubs and groups as well as an opportunity to network with other clubs and share ideas and learning. 

All sport and physical activity providers from Derby and Derbyshire are welcome to attend, as well as parents and carers of local young people.  Partners attending and supporting the campaign include the NWG Network, CIMSPA, Everyone Active, Derby City Council’s Move More Team, Derby and Derbyshire Violence Reduction Unit, Disclosure Barring Service, Derby County Community Trust, Active Derbyshire, Derbyshire FA, Derby Youth Alliance, MENCAP, Community Safety Officers, Derbyshire Institute of Sport, DE23 Active, Community Safety Officers, Breakout, Derbyshire Friends and the Derby LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) team

Councillor Ndukwe Onuoha, Derby City Council Cabinet Member for Streetpride, Public Safety and Leisure, said:

“Children and young people get so many benefits from being active and participating in sport. By collaborating with our partners on this campaign, we want to ensure they can take part in their favourite activities safely.

“The upcoming event will be a great opportunity for clubs and organisations to find out more about the campaign and the support available to them. We want everybody to know what safe sport looks like and understand how to challenge or share any concerns they may have.”

Beth Womersley, Communications and Campaigns Officer from the Derby and Derbyshire Violence Reduction Unit Derby and Derbyshire said;

“Derby and Derbyshire Violence Reduction Unit fully supports the Safe to Play campaign by Active Derbyshire and NWG. We’ve seen time and time again that creating safe spaces for young people to engage in positive, active environments is crucial to reducing the risks of serious violence. By encouraging participation in sport and community activities, we can help to create a feeling of community and offer young people healthy alternatives to harmful behaviours.”

Three short videos have been created to highlight the campaign, based on an incident involving a sports coach

If you’d like to attend the event, please register here

For more information on the campaign, contact Franky Boyland, Sport Welfare Officer, Active Derbyshire at

For support and advice if you are worried about a child, go to the Council’s website. If someone is in immediate danger always call 999.

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